Hall -test, Home-Test
MethodsHall test
Types of testing:
• "blind" (brand unknown) and "open" tests (brand known);• estimated (one product) and comparative (several similar products).
Hall tests are carried out in those cases when it is necessary to:
• Get information about the perception of the goods or services from consumers;• Assess the consumers attitude to the brand, packaging, consumer goods properties;
• Identify the most important for consumers properties of the goods;
• Develop the right positioning strategy for a product or service;
• Develop the most effective advertising strategy (channels, methods and types of data transmission);
• Compare products with competing products, to determine the advantages and disadvantages;
• Attract loyal customer, etc.
Hall-test is carried out in a specially equipped room where respondents get subjects of testing. Hall-test can also be carried out with the computer technology, when the respondent answers are entered into the computer, and the customer receives data on-line.
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Quantitative surveys
Сonducting interviews with respondents using structured questionnaire with open and closed questions.
Retail Audit (audit of retailers) is the research that includes the analysis of the range, distribution, prices and promotional materials in retail outlets for the product groups.